Table of Contents

    Why We Dream About Animals and What It Means

    Dreams can be a powerful conduit of subconscious information. Whether we are dreaming about a loved one, a fantasy, a scary event, or an enemy, every aspect of our nighttime visions is constructed to try to tell us something important.

    A common theme among dreams is animals. Whether they appear as the principal character in your dream or as a secondary player, their presence is trying to convey specific information to you.

    Main Animal Dreams

    Considering that there are between one and two million species of animals on Earth, there is quite a variety of animals that you could possibly dream about.

    Nevertheless, a core selection of animals tends to make the most appearances in people’s nighttime adventures. These include snakes, dogs, cats, frogs, and bears.

    Snake dreams indicate that you are dealing with something difficult in your life. It could be something external or internal. They also represent masculine energy.

    Dogs represent loyalty, while cats represent feminine power. Frogs are considered lucky, and bears represent independence and strength.

    Main Insect Dreams

    Insect appearances are generally associated with something bothersome or nagging. The specific type of insect in question can provide further insight.

    For instance, spiders indicate deceit, a web of lies. Ants hint at a general dissatisfaction with life. Flies signify dirtiness. Insect dreams are so common that there have even been scientific studies published in mainstream research journals on the subject.

    Apocalypse Dreams

    Another common scenario that shows up while we sleep is The Apocalypse. While this may sound like an obviously negative thing, that is not necessarily true.

    Apocalyptic scenarios can simply warn of a sudden change in your life that is about to happen. And, as we all know, change can be good or bad.

    But if you see tornadoes in these dreams, that is a more likely indicator of a negative shift. Exactly how you experience tornadoes - viewing them from afar, being inside of the vortex, or escaping from the storm - can indicate different things about your subconscious feelings.

    Final Thoughts

    While not all animal dreams are unsettling, many of them can be. This is especially true if a particular dream recurs frequently.

    Even pleasant, positive dreams can start to be a burden if they constantly repeat and you can not figure out why.
    The only way to stop these nighttime apparitions is to address the underlying cause. While some people may choose to pursue independent investigations, it is highly advisable to seek out the guidance of a professional psychic.

    Since animal dreams are so deeply personal, it helps to have a person trained in parsing out the unique details of your particular life and dream sequences to guide in your quest for understanding.