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    How to Match Between Horoscopes

    Our signs say a lot about us and the people we’ll be most happy spending our lives with. Our inherent traits can often clash with some people and with others, not at all. Usually, that’s because we align differently with the planet and have different expectations of one another.

    When it comes to finding love, our signs give a strong indication of who we should aim to match with and the types of people we should generally avoid. 

    You should always be careful when using your weekly horoscope and sign as the basis for whether you should enter into a relationship with someone. There’s no doubt that the information our signs detail about us is accurate a lot of the time, but you could be walking away from the love of your life based on a weekly horoscope.

    This might seem like an educated decision but truthfully, the answers for love can’t always be found in the stars. To an extent, you have to trust your heart and your own feelings. There’s a good chance that the person you fall in love with is the water to your fire, despite the red flag. 

    Based on what the elements suggest, these are the known predictions of the pairings between signs. 

    The Different Signs

    Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):

    Water signs tend to be in two minds quite often, swimming back and forth between decisions and emotions.

    Sometimes, rather than act based on logic, water signs tend to be quite impulsive and regret their actions later. Being rather sensitive makes water signs much more aware of others’ emotions. 

    Most Suited: Earth signs and other water signs

    Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):

    Air signs are arguably some of the more focused among us and they tend to be the most expressive. They feel more free in communicating but clingy, emotional types come across as suffocating. One of the more likable traits of air signs is their ability for quick-thinking. Combined with their positive response to discipline, air signs tend to be quite successful. 

    Most Suited: Fire signs and other air signs

    Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):

    Earth signs are particularly sensible and tend to gravitate towards natural roles, such as gardening. They’re likely to put their roots down quickly and make wise, responsible choices in life. Earth signs are compassionate and have a lot to offer but can sometimes be spontaneous and destructive. 

    Most Suited: Water signs and other Earth signs

    Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius):

    Communication is a strong point for fire signs and an important part of life. They can often come across as explosive with a number of different emotions, but they’re typically well-intended until someone sets them off. While impulsive and excitable, these traits can often be beneficial in helping other signs become more confident in themselves.

    Most Suited: Air signs and other fire signs