Table of Contents

    How your past life affects this reincarnation?

    Though there are many religious people who do not believe in psychics at all, it is true that there are many similarities between the two. Just like there are many different religions, there are many different types of psychic reading, but they both centre on the same basic ideology; that a higher power can impact and improve your life by guiding and encouraging you. While religions often believe that to be a “being”, like Allah, Buddha or Jesus Christ, psychics often suggest that surrounding energies are responsible for the changes to your life. Interestingly, though, there is a direct link between psychics and Hinduism; both believe in reincarnation, as does Buddhism.

    Hindus, for example, believe there is a direct correlation between the lives, and you will be reincarnated into whatever your previous life has ‘earned’ for you. If you are a good person, helping people when you can, respecting people and generally having a good life, you will be reincarnated as a cuter animal, like a rabbit for example. Those who beg, steal, kill or sin generally, come back to life as a slug or a snail. These are generalisations, but basically this is their idea of heaven and hell. The psychic interpretation is slightly different; they believe you have had a past life, and that is what will impact your decisions in this life. Like with everything, there are past life psychic experts, readers who offer comprehensive services telling you everything about yourself in a previous life and how you impacted what happens in your future. A past life reading is one of the purest experiences you can get from a psychic. It may not change your life, but it can certainly give you a fresh perspective.

    Reincarnation is deeply linked to the subconscious, so this is what a past life reading will teach you what to access. That is why it is so hard for novices and some who are experienced with psychics to access their past life memories, but contrary to some beliefs, it is possible to remember what you were like in a past life.  It can be important to do this because it can help you make better decisions in your current life, but often the trick is to not allow negative memories to interfere with your current life. Just because past life readings are available, it doesn’t mean the news will be positive. It can also be up to you how you take the information forward, but your past life can shape your life reincarnation if you allow it to, and there could be a lot of benefits to doing so.

    What is incarnation, you ask? Well, in short, it is the ideology that you will return to life in a different form. Well, that is the religious point of view.