Table of Contents

    How To Achieve Spiritual Healing

    Our society is predominantly focused on having proof to believe something is true. This is counterintuitive to the way the spiritual realm works whereby psychic healing methods and techniques are employed. Yet, as the famous self-help guru Wayne Dyer once said, “You’ll see it when you believe it” and this can’t be more true when you’re trying to heal yourself spiritually. 

    Whether you’re trying to heal yourself after an event in your life, have lost touch with yourself, or you’re trying to improve depression during coronavirus time, spiritual healing is the least invasive and most natural method for improving wellbeing, both mentally and physically. 

    What Is Spiritual Healing?

    Spiritual healing is the practice and journey of restoring and balancing our soul and spirit. This process focuses on restoring one's overall health without using any physical methods or western medicine. 

    Though this may sound easy, it’s important to state that this form of healing is a process that takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. It involves a lot of work with your energy, inner child, meditation, yoga and so much more. 

    If you decide that spiritual healing is the right path for you, just note that while it might not be quick or simple, but it will definitely be rewarding. 

    Symptoms Vs Causes Of Spiritual Problems

    When discussing any type of healing, it's important to understand the difference between symptoms and causes. The easiest example to give is when you have a headache. The symptom is the pain you feel in your head, but what’s the cause? Perhaps you didn't drink enough water or you hit your head. 

    Now let’s take it a step further. What if the medical issue you exhibit is caused by a spiritual root cause? You could try a physical treatment such as surgery or pills but that won’t necessarily cure your illness. Accordingly, it’s crucial to get to the spiritual root cause and tackle it to truly heal yourself, essentially removing any negative energies. 

    What Does It Cure?

    Spiritual healing isn’t necessarily about curing yourself, but rather about the self-growth experience and learning how to reconnect with your true nature. As mentioned earlier, limited research has been conducted in this field and it’s therefore hard to understand what these healing practices can actually cure. 

    Still, the mind and body are intrinsically linked and do impact each other.  For example, when we exercise, we release endorphins that activate the opioid receptors in the pain and lessen our feelings of discomfort.

    To reach this point spiritually, there are a few different types of spiritual healing methods. Choosing the best fit depends on answers to questions such as “What is the main issue you are dealing with right now” and “Are you dealing with more than one issue?”. 

    Based on these answers, you can choose the best type of spiritual healing for yourself.

    1. Physical healing- healing of the body
    2. Mental healing- healing of the mind
    3. Soul healing- healing of the soul
    4. Emotional healing- healing of the heart
    5. Holistic healing- healing of the body, mind, soul, and heart

    How To Start Spiritual Healing

    These healing practices are very affordable and there are many resources available to help you get started. A great starting point for healing is yoga and meditation. There are thousands of tutorials on YouTube as well as applications to help you begin your restorative spiritual process.

    If you’d rather not start this process on your own, there are spiritual healers, life coaches, psychics, and other types of professionals who can guide you along your journey. Some spiritual healing methods require a practitioner such as Reiki or other types of energy healing so it’s important to do some research beforehand.

    Either way, you can try out multiple spiritual healing methods to see which is most effective. Once you find the right spiritual method or healer, your beautiful journey can begin. 


    Any way you look at it, spiritual healing is a process of getting back in touch with yourself and who you are, however easy or hard it may be. When thinking about your spiritual journey just know that “The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.” 

    It does take time but it’ll ultimately help improve the relationship with yourself and others so you can finally start living from a place of love, light, and positivity.