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    Just Breathe, Everything Will be Okay

    Breathing is part of a cycle that covers the entire biosphere of the earth, every bit of air that we take in is used as oxygen to give us energy. I bet you don’t often think about breathing, it’s completely automatic but one of life’s vital functions. Even while you are reading this you are participating in breathing, pulling breath into your lungs, an act which is causing oxygen to flow into your body, enabling us to read, think and live.

    However, what happens when we slow the breathing down, every breath I take helps me relax my whole body deeper and deeper making me receptive to only good things. Have you actively ever drawn in air through your nose and when you choose to push it out through your mouth, you’ll notice your heart rate slows, your hands become steady and even your mind stops racing and begins to take it’s time to unravel thoughts which normally take you minutes to decipher. By performing such acts, it allows us to become relaxed, focussed and centred to share our talents and energy with the world.

    Breathing allows us quieten the mind to unlock psychic abilities and access our intuitive senses allowing us to access a higher state of consciousness. This allows us to focus or train the mind on an object, thought or an activity, such practices  of mental training is known as ‘Mindfulness meditation’ involving breathing exercise and awareness of body and mind, focusing your mind on your experiences. Benefits of meditation include the reduction of stress, helps control anxiety, promotes emotional health, enhances self-awareness and can lengthen your attention span also. In promoting harmony and self-realisation, Psychic meditation can also help unlock our psychic abilities and intuitive senses enabling to lift our psychic ability in accessing information, healing and even guidance from the realms of our spirit.

    Meditation can create a space between ourselves and our worries so they don’t affect us going forward, with breathing practice all anxieties can be calmed. Even though you may think at times something is not right with your world, there is a voice even though it might sometimes sound muffled or inaudible inside us all. Breathing practices allow us to trust that voice and make it stronger, by creating that inner space and clarity one can see improvements and benefits in their everyday life.