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    Understanding The Concept Of Energy Psychology

    Nowadays, more people are tapping into alternative healing methods. Moreover, these methods are proving to be just as effective as traditional Western medicine.

    Today, we’re going to talk about energy psychology, and how this technique can help you release deep-rooted traumas and other ailments.

    Energy Psychology Definition

    So, what is energy psychology? It’s the relationship of energy systems to our cognition, behavior, health, and emotions. 

    Energy psychology on Wikipedia is also referred to as energy medicine. It’s believed that we hold most of our trauma in our body, and by using techniques such as acupressure, acupuncture, energy psychology tapping, and EFT energy psychology, we can ease any psychological distress.

    Stemming from ancient Chinese medicine, this form of body tapping involves stimulation of specific points in the body, known as meridian points or chakras. These points send signals to our brain to help it control the emotions relating to mental health.

    Energy healing methods are quickly gaining popularity as an effective practice in dealing with traumas, phobias, PTSD, and so on. While it’s still relatively new, more people are turning to this type of psychotherapy.

    Is Energy Psychology For Real?

    Our body is made up of energy, and when this property gets stagnant or blocked, that’s when we experience physical illness and other issues.

    Additionally, our past life experiences are stored in our bodies. These conserved experiences can also act as a source of fuel for our bodies, mind, and spirit.  The practice of reliving past lives or memories as a way to eliminate trauma is the abreaction psychology definition.

    Some other practices such as physical exercise, yoga, meditation, and reiki can help to move electricity around our bodies and make us feel better. However, for more deep-rooted issues, other forms of treatments such as emotional freedom techniques (EFT), tapas acupressure technique (TAT), and thought field therapy (TFT) are more effective.

    This all relates to the theory that your body’s energy can be changed to produce spiritual and healing development. This concept is the root of all ancient holistic medicine. 

    What is Energy Psychotherapy?

    This form of psychotherapy involves using the principles of energy psychology and integrating those methods into psychotherapeutic practices.

    The practitioner will assess the patient through several methods to determine any psychological problems relating to their bio-energy systems. Additionally, other forms of assessment include manual muscle testing,  attunement, and other techniques designed to stimulate the body at specific locations.

    Methods such as tapping, visualization, and the use of affirmations provide the practitioner with information about the client’s concerns. After performing these techniques, the practitioner can decide on the best therapies and treatments for the patient. 

    How Energy Psychology Can Help You

    Energy work is mainly practiced by professionals who treat PTSD. It’s also used by some medical doctors, counselors, holistic healers, and psychologists.

    The treatment usually begins with a psychotherapy session where the therapist and patient develop a form of trust through discussion. The practitioner then tries to identify potential triggers that create anxiety or any other upsetting thoughts.

    These triggers could be a memory, image, and so forth. The therapist will then ask you to rate the upsetting thought from a scale of one to ten.

    After that, he or she will instruct the patient to tap on certain meridian or acupuncture points, while repeating a certain statement about the trigger.

    By repeating this sequence multiple times, the patient will work through their negative feelings, and over time, find them either completely gone or decreased in intensity.
    This form of treatment can help with multiple issues, including:

    • Addictions - Habits like smoking, drinking, gambling, or any other destructive behavior can benefit from this form of psychotherapy. The practitioner can help the client get to the root of the problem that’s causing the addiction
    • Phobias - We’re all afraid of something, although crippling phobias can make life unbearable. A therapy session will use various forms of tapping and visualization methods to slowly work on eliminating this fear
    • Anxiety - Depression and anxiety are difficult emotions to work through. The experts can identify these problems using the process of energy healing. They’ll first understand where the flow of electrical activity is blocked. Next, they’ll work on healing the layers within the body


    While the concept of energy work is relatively new, there’s no denying the significant benefits that come with it.

    Hopefully, as this practice becomes more mainstream, it’ll allow more people to form a new relationship with energy psychology.

    This form of healing can solve some of our most deep-rooted problems that prevent us from living a fulfilled life.