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    What Is A Ribbon Reading?

    A ribbon reading is an ancient Celtic way of connecting with powerful energies. This practice is thought to come from traveling gypsies who used ribbons to tell the customer’s fortunes. 

    Ribbon readings are one of the oldest forms of divination. Each ribbon carries its own energy based on its color. Choosing certain colors is what brings forth a different hidden message and healing note. 

    Ribbon Reading And The Chakras

    In a ribbon reading, you can opt for any color you’d like or feel drawn to. However, if you’re a beginner in this craft and have some knowledge about reiki or chakras, then choosing seven ribbons that represent those specific colors is a good starting point.

    Each chakra represents a specific emotion or energy within us. Each color will provide a good start to base your readings on. Here’s how the colors and chakras correlate with one another. 

    • Crown Chakra. Purple - divinity, life purpose, connecting to the source
    • Third-Eye Chakra. Indigo - wisdom, detachment, and intuition
    • Throat Chakra. Blue - communication, expression, and clarity
    • Heart Chakra. Green - compassion, love, and charity
    • Solar Plexus Chakra. Yellow - self-esteem, powerful energy, and transformation
    • Sacral Chakra. Orange - creativity, joy, and sexuality
    • Root Chakra. Red - security, stability, and grounding

    How To Do A Ribbon Reading

    After you have chosen and purchased the ribbons you wish to use, it's time to meditate on them and connect with their energy.

    Start by choosing a quiet and comfortable spot where you can’t be disturbed. You can even play some calming music or light a few candles to set the mood. Afterward, place all the ribbons in front of you and try holding onto each color while meditating. 

    Take note of any feelings that may come up. It’s also a good idea to keep a pen and paper close by so that you can jot down the thoughts and feelings that you’re experiencing from each ribbon.

    If you’re giving a reading to someone else, then have them close their eyes and let them choose two to three different ribbons that are laid out in front of them. The chosen ribbons will reflect their aura, which is the energy field that’s currently surrounding them. The reader will then hold on to each chosen ribbon to pick up any energies or impressions that may come up. 

    Once you’ve gone through all the ribbons, try connecting all the energies and messages together. This string of messaging will connect to form an accurate reading for you. Note that you’ll already have a good basis for your reading since you already know what each color represents.

    Best Practices For Ribbon Readings

    Once you have connected with the ribbons that your sitter had chosen, it’s time to ask them some specific questions. Asking simple yes and no questions will best reveal if you’re on the right track. If you find that a particular ribbon is returning a lot of ‘’no’’ answers, then take some more time meditating with this color to deepen the connection.

    Provide the sitter with any messages that may come up during the reading. The reading should be an enjoyable experience for both the reader and the sitter, so remember to remain respectful and kind.

    If you’re giving a reading for yourself, you can still follow a similar process. Rather than forcing a conscious decision, start by allowing any feelings to come naturally from deep within your soul.


    A ribbon reading is an easy and enjoyable way of tapping into your psychic abilities. It’s a healing method that allows you to receive messages for yourself or for others. Through this practice, you can better understand how your senses work. Readings help you discover the important questions that’ll provide more insight, healing, and clarity back into your life.