Table of Contents

    These Books Can Help You Develop Your Intuition

    Everyone is born with a deep sense of knowing or intuition, but sometimes it takes a little bit of work to bring that out. While there are different methods to sharpen your intuition skills, it can be helpful to follow a guide or to read about other’s experiences in this field. 

    This is why today we’ll take a look at some very useful books that can help you develop your intuition using methods such as astrology, meditation, creativity, and more.

    “The Happy Medium” By Kim Russo

    In The Happy Medium, Kim Russo talks about her experiences as a medium and how she discovered her unique abilities at the young age of nine. This inspired her to help people from all walks of life communicate with their lost loved ones, helping to bring them peace and closure.  

    She also provides her readers with the necessary tools to access energy all around us, while also explaining how the mystical world of the dead can guide you to a greater understanding of life’s biggest questions.

    “Many Lives, Many Masters” By Brian L. Weiss, MD

    Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss is based on a true story that dives into topics like hypnosis and past life experiences. The story is based on a well-known psychiatrist who was treating a patient suffering from severe anxiety. During her hypnosis, the woman began to recount stories from distant lifetimes that turned out to be true. This eventually leads to her recovery as well as to some incredible discoveries about the universe, confirming that past life regression is possible.

    “Super Attractor” By Gabrielle Bernstein

    In the Super Attractor, Gabrielle Bernstein explains how to live in alignment with the universe. She also discusses ways to co-create the life you desire. Moreover, she speaks about the principles of the law of attraction and how to make it work for you.

    Having herself suffered from addiction, she found solace in spirituality and is now dedicating her time to helping others manifest the life they want. The book also explains the importance of elevating everyone around you and how to give off a presence of joy and love.

    “Intuitive Being” By Jill Willard

    Another book that’s very effective for developing your intuition and connecting to a higher power is Intuitive Being by Jill Willard.

    She encourages readers to unleash their power of intuition by healing and unblocking seven major chakras, or as Willard refers to them ‘’the gateways that connect our inner being to spirit.’’

    She also goes on to explain how using this information correctly can lead to more abundance and overall improved quality of life.

    “Signs” By Laura Lynne Jackson

    Laura Lynne Jackson is a very gifted psychic medium who teaches readers how to get in touch with their psychic abilities and become more aware of messages that come from the other side. Jackson possesses the unique ability to connect and communicate with deceased loved ones.

    In her book, Signs, she talks about instances of unexplained synchronicity and how, if we ask, we can recognize the signs too. This can allow you to receive messages from lost loved ones or experience a deeper connection with the world around you.

    “The Four Sacred Secrets” By Preethaji & Krishnaji 

    In the Four Sacred Secrets, co-authors and married couple Preethaji and Krishnaji, talk about how we, as a collective, are living in two states: the beautiful state and the suffering state.

    The book also helps us to understand the four important principles for spiritual living. This is done by practicing meditation and reading timeless stories that’ll transform your experience of reality and open your heart to the world.

    “Use Your Planets Wisely” By Jennifer Freed, PhD

    Lastly, Use Your Planets Wisely by Jennifer Freed, mixes astrology and psychology to offer a deeper insight into understanding your natal chart.

    This book will also enable you to take a deeper look into your core strengths as well as weakness, improving your overall understanding of yourself. Dr. Jennifer Freed truly helps her readers to embrace their cosmic purpose while leading them to better relationships and improved lives.


    By using psychic meditation, astrology, and other psychic tools, you can open yourself up to the different ways of connecting with your intuition. Developing your intuition isn’t an easy path. However, these books can provide a good starting point when it comes to making sense of the world around us while also deepening the connection with ourselves.