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    Six Ways To Identify You’re Having A Psychic Attack

    Have you ever felt like whatever you do, something keeps pulling you down? While many of us know what negativity can do, intense negativity can do much more harm to your psyche than you realize. 

    While some might say these attacks are a result of black magic, the truth is, such an attack is usually about a negative change in your auric energy, mood, and temper. But where does it come from? 

    From a jealous colleague to a grumpy coworker, the sources of these attacks can vary based on the environment you live in. In effect, whenever you’re exposed to extreme levels of negativity energy, it manifests as this type of attack that can disturb your spiritual balance. 

    Read on to find out the six ways to recognize when negativity has entered into your psyche. 

    How To Identify A Psychic Attack

    When you’re the victim of such a mental onslaught, there are many things that happen to your physical body in addition to the psyche. 

    Take a look at this checklist that confirms you’re under a psychic state of distress. 

    1.  Stress 

    Are you feeling anxious? Perhaps you’re worried for no reason? When you’re attacked psychically, your aura can get destabilized. 

    When you’re feeling good, your aura takes on bright colors, contrary to the muddy colors that appear when you’re stressed. For example, people with a yellow aura are often full of joy. When having this attack, the aura for these people can change to brown, which is often defined by greed, narcissism, and self-absorption. 

    A good way to detect your aura color is to have a session with a psychic. After, you can then further improve your aura colors with a full moon cleanse or aura cleansing bath. 

    2. Low Energy 

    Felt an energy drain suddenly? Perhaps you can’t stop yawning two hours after waking up from an eight-hour sleep. While it’s common to feel drained after a 16-hour work-day or if you had very little sleep, unfounded fatigue is often a sign of unbalanced psychic energy. 

    In short, the positive energy around you drains away and is replaced by negative energy. When combined with other symptoms on this list, it’s a clear sign of a psychic attack. 

    To balance your energy, surround yourself in the moonlight or some white light. Additionally, you can use sacred herbs like sage to smudge the four corners of your house.

    3. Apathy 

    Suddenly feeling disoriented? To be honest, most of us feel detached every now and then. But, if it’s a prolonged lack of enthusiasm and zest for life, it’s highly recommended to start psychic healing therapies as soon as you can. 

    For example, if you’re generally a happy person and not able to tap into that positive place for a few days or more, your psychic uneasiness might be to blame. Additionally, others around may notice a general change in your energy and overall vibes.

    4. Skeptical Thinking 

    If you begin to notice that you’re overanalyzing or thinking too much about petty things, you’re most likely undergoing an energy attack. Such a severe change in character happens because negativity-attacks will drain all of your positivity.

    Rest assured, there are ways to get back to normality by cleansing your space using things like sandalwood incense or doing a full moon cleanse. You can also opt to do a psychic reading online, like a clairaudience reading, to help you gain more clarity on your current state. 

    5. Headaches 

    Having migraines or feeling intense pain on your shoulders? If your pain is above-average level, it’s most likely due to physical causes. However, if it happens once in a while, it might be a psychic attack.

    The best way to get rid of these headaches and pains are with cleansing rituals, such as sound baths or reiki sessions.

    6. Nightmares 

    When psychic distress goes unnoticed, it can manifest as nightmares. You might feel paralyzed or see terrifying shadows lurking near your bedpost in the middle of the night. If these night terrors become frequent, it’s wise to take a second look at these attacks to try and uncover what’s causing them. 

    Try healing remedies with soothing and calming essential oils like lavender. Or, create a crystal grid with the set intention of protection. After, you can place it under the bed. 

    You can also try to sleep with crystals under your pillow that will help bring you positive energy while you sleep. Other examples of calming crystals include moonstone or amber. Avoid stimulating stones like carnelian or garnet. 


    Psychic attacks can cause feelings of intense negativity that can affect your energy and aura. It can manifest as intense-stress, headaches, nightmares, confusion, suspicions, and more. It’s important to understand what a psychic reading is and the benefits it offers, including helping you pinpoint, comprehend, and resolve your problems. 

    Sign up for a psychic reading online today to learn more about balancing your energy and aura, as well as addressing any other questions you might have around alleviating these types of attacks.