Table of Contents

    The Importance of Numbers in our Lives

    Mathematics was never my favourite subject at school, but what I wasn’t told as a student is the fact that numbers are the language of our universe. All creation can be explained in numerical terms translating our spiritual world into physical formulas bridging the spirit with the visible, touchable world. Each number is a magical, mystical building block, defining divine logic together. nThese numeric relationships embody our collective, cumulative universe, and separately each number embodies our individual universe – our life path, our love life and our larger destiny.

    Numerology is how we simplify these numbers and how we apply them to understand all aspects of our individual existence. It is an ancient, numbers-based system where every person has a set of numbers which can affect anything from a career choice to a love life. Knowing and understanding these numbers and how their energies affect your life, can be used to help navigate life decisions and allow one to live their life to full potential. There are four major categories of numerology and each requires a specific calculation based on your date of birth or name.

    Your Life Path Number which is the most important part of one’s personal numerology chart explaining personal traits and life achievements can be calculated using your date of birth. While a Soul Number determines who we are on a spiritual level and can be calculated by adding the single digit values of each vowel in your full name. This number reflects our inner, authentic self, which is deep beneath the surface of our outer personality, it shows us our true desires and motivations.

    For example, my own soul number is 5 which tells me I’m free spirited and a little restless always wanting to wander and travel.

    The Karmic Number is based upon the cyclical nature of our universe and everything in it, outlining the fears and burdens we may need to overcome throughout our lives. To calculate your ‘Karmic Number’ use the numerology chart for letters and add up the values for each consonant in your name. Finally, your Destiny or Expression Number can reveal our true potential and talents, a person with an expression number of 7 is said to excel at problem solving. There are also three master numbers – 11, 22 and 33 – experts believe they are powerful with added potential, due to the pairing of the same number.

    Those with master numbers in their name or date of birth are gifted with special tendencies such as heightened sense of intuition, potential or intelligence, that set them apart from others. The master number 11 represents intuition and a connection to your subconscious and gut feeling, while master number 22 also known as the ‘master builder’ enables one to turn dreams into reality. A master number 33 is said to bring about spiritual uplifting of all humans.

    We hope this insight into numbers allows you to better understand who you are, what you want and where you are going in life.