Table of Contents

    Why are we afraid to succeed?

    Some people are born confident, others can’t buy it. In reality, most people are somewhere in the middle, knowing that confidence comes from ability, and ability to undertake a certain task or perform a task requires practice. Have you ever heard the saying ‘practice makes perfect”? Well, this is the phenomenon it is describing. Confidence must come from within, and though it can be aided by other people constantly giving you compliments and encouragement, it will only feel real from your gut.

    If you are subconsciously confident, it means you have very few fears or concerns, and you are much more likely to succeed in life if you are that way inclined. It really is true, positive thinking is half the battle. But what is also true is that there are many people who don’t understand confidence or, more specifically, the difference between it and arrogance. They are very much on the same scale, but the latter is what happens when self belief becomes overpowering and a hindrance to ability. It is most important not to believe you are better than you are, and a lot of people, wary of this, lack confidence as they attempt to stay humble. As we have said, though, confidence and humility are achievable together.

    The best way to get to the bottom of confidence issues and to fully understand them, is to use Tarot cards. Get a psychic reading, from Bitwine for example, with the use of the Tarot because it is arguably the service that gets to the bottom of such things like emotions, particularly dark ones like a lack of self esteem or arrogance.

    But the wider question is why are people so afraid of success? The short answer is that there isn’t one; this can be and is a very complex issue with a lot of possible answers. Perhaps if someone doesn’t believe they fit in, and isn’t 100% comfortable in their own body, then that cab impact people’s ability to accept success and/or believe they can achieve it.

    Another very common debate here is the nature vs nurture debate. Is it possible to lack confidence naturally? Because of genetics or hormones? Or, more likely, does upbringing or environment effect you? Well, your parents and family are supposed to nurture and care for you through tough times growing up, gradually building you into a confident and competent adult. Lacking that can lead to not recognising success or accepting it because deep down they don’t believe they deserve it.

    Tarot cards speak the truth and can be the guide people need to start accepting success again. It is a hallmark of people who lack self esteem that they look for other sources of it, and while we mentioned earlier that it must come from within, a psychic reading, whether from a Tarot card or not, can be the springboard for them to understand that success is attainable. We suggest you get out Bitwine reviews as a place to start, but it isn’t hard to understand why so many people struggle when they succeed.